Saturday, July 13, 2019

Critical Analysis of Picture Story "THE SELFISH GIANT"

                        Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde  


The title of the story "THE SELFISH GIANT" is appropriate because in this imaginary story the giant is a person who is very big and strong and had an extraordinary power .He was very selfish who had a very cold heart and did not allowed the children to play in his garden.So the wirter has give the title "THE SELFISH GIANT".


Exposition-Children were playing hide and seek in the garden after the school and heard a great voiceboom out.Childrenpeered out of their hiding places to see a very angry giant.The Giant decided to come home after living for seven years with his friend,the Cornish Ogre. The giant doesnot want to see the children laughing and shouting.When he arrived he saw the children playing in the garden and became very upset ,he kicked all the children out and put a huge wall up with a notice board that is "TRESSPASSERS WILL BE PROSECUTED".Now the poor children had nowhere to play.

Conflicts-The giant decided to build a high wall with spikes around the garden.Everyday  the children poked their noses through the bars of the gate and looked longingly at the garden and sadly they wandered off to play on the hard,dusty road.The winter came.Snow covered the ground with a thick white mantle and frost painted the trees with silver . The Giant wanted the spring to come .Spring came,the sdnow and the frost disappeared and flowers pushed their heads up against the ground and birds sang merrily in the giants garden the snow,the frost ,the north wind still danced through the bare branches of the trees.Spring refused to come to giants garden.

Climax-The Giant was lying in the bed one morning .feeling sorry for himself .He heard blackbird singing.Giant lept over the window and beamed with pleasure .The snow and the frost were gone.Every tree had burst into blossom .Every tree held one of the children whom the giant frightened away.The children crept into the garden by a hole in the wall .the spring rushed in after the children.One child was standing on the ground .The child was crying bitterly asd he was too small to reach even the lowest branch of the tree giant moved to pity. Giant knew why the spring would not go to his garden.The giant knocked down the walls and turned into the childrens playground.

Falling Action-Everyday after school the children came to play in the giants the beautiful garden.Everyday the giant ask them the same question whether the little boy was with them.The children do not know where to find the boy and the only time they saw him was when he knocked down the walls .Giant felt sad because he loved the little boy very much and only the sight of the children playing made him happy .Giant grew old and weak and could no longer play with the children.

Resolution-A winter morning the giant was sitting by his bedroom window and saw the most beautiful tree he had ever seen.The tree golden branches were covered with delicate white blossom and silver fruit and underneath it stood the little boy .The giant was happy the boy came back .When he reached the little boy ,the giant face was red with anger .The giant was angry .The child smile gently and asked the giant to follow him.The child told the giant to play in his garden which was called PARADISE.The afternoon the children ran into the garden to play in the snow and found the dead giant lying peacefully under a tree,covered with a blossom.


Location of the story
-The short story "THE SELFISH GIANT ' by OSCAR WILDE is  a set in the fairy tale setting,castles,beautiful gardens,giants and ogres.The exact location of the events is not known but the reference to the 'Cornish Ogre" suggest the events take place on the British Isles.
Time-It took one year as we see seasons succeeding outside the garden of the giant.
Place-The main place is the giants garden.
Social Environment-The "SELFISH GIANT' look place in marvellous garden with a soft green grass ,beautiful flowers like stars with 12 peach trees.
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The story "THE SELFISH GIANT" by OSCAR WILDE can be read as an allegoric fairy tale symbolism used in the text is filled with emotions and make the text beautiful.
The whole story is most likely a symbolic interpretation of the Christian Parable of Jesus and the children.In the Bible Jesus tell people to allow children to come to him for theirs is kingdom of heaven.
Children-The children are the source of happiness.So it symbolises the happiness.
The Seasons-The seasons symbolise the passage of time with winter representing past sufferings and the spring the present happiness .
Giant-Giant symbolises the giant mentality human possess that we are strong and capable of accomplishment by ourselves.
-The tree the child wants to climb may represent the tree of life or the cross Jesus was crucified on.In the story the child Jesus sits close to the tree when he is crying because he cannot climb it.
The snow,wind and frost-The snow ,wind and frost symbolises the human negative emotions such as anger,violence,rush ,coldness,defensives.

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